The Bull and the Gnat

In a small town, there lived a Bull with strong horns. He was a hard-working Bull and his owners were very happy with him. They used to give him his food on time and took care of him. In return, the Bull completed all his work on time.
One day, after finishing his work, the Bull was looking for a place to rest. He had worked very hard that day. He saw a tree. He thought, ‘It has been a long day. It would be a good idea to relax under the shade of the tree and chew my cud.’
So, the Bull sat under the tree comfortably and began to chew his cud.
There was a Gnat passing by looking for a place to rest. She had travelled from far away and wanted to relax under the shade. She saw the Bull’s strong horns and thought, ‘This would be a good place to rest. But I will not disturb the Bull as he seems to be very tired.’
Thinking this, the Gnat went and sat on the horns of the Bull. The Bull did not realise at all that the Gnat was around him.

After waking up from her sleep, the Gnat decided to leave. She saw that the Bull was still chewing his cud. So, she made a buzzing sound and asked the Bull if she could leave from there.
The Bull was surprised to see her. He asked her, “I didn’t even know you were here. It wouldn’t matter to me if you leave. It is up to you.” The Gnat waved goodbye to the Bull and flew on her way.

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