Leah was not excited to go back to school after vacation. She did not have any summer vacation stories to exchange with her friends. That was why she could not even sleep much last night! Now, she was going to get late to school, on her first day after vacation!
‘This is not good!’ she said to herself, ‘My school bus has just left! I will have to ask Dad to drop me to school today by car.’
Leah called out to her father and ran to the garage to get the car cover off. As soon as she reached near the car, she stopped right in her tracks! Her mouth fell open!
There was a strange creature, as big as a lion, just behind the car. Half hidden in the car cover, it sat there awkwardly. Front feet raised, half hanging and half sitting…with the angriest expression. Leah has awfully petrified.
She was unable to decide whether it was an animal or a monster because it was the size of a lion, the same colour as a raccoon with the biggest and sharpest teeth that Leah had ever seen in her entire life.

As soon as she went close, the monster bellowed loudly and jumped, as though to attack her! Scared, Leah moved away. “Daddy, don’t worry! I’ll just walk to school,” she yelled before running off to school.
When Leah came back home, she quietly went to the garage to check if the monster had left. It was still there, and still angry!
The next couple of days, she checked again. The strange monster stayed where it was and each time it jumped angrily towards Leah, stopping just very close to her. It looked ready to attack her, yet stopped short.
Finally, after several days, gathering courage, Leah decided to see what the problem was. She took some food with her and went close to the monster. However, today it looked quite weary. She threw the food towards it and crept closer while it was eating.
“You are stuck!” she realised. The monster’s bushy tail had got stuck in the wire of the car cover.
“You need help!” Leah quickly brou

ght a pair of scissors from the kitchen and cut the wire. The monster lunged towards her and took her in the biggest and warmest hug ever! It was very happy with Leah.
Now, Leah walked with her strange and ferocious looking monster-friend to school every day. She was the most famous girl in her school!