The Car Crash

This story is one of those many stories describing massive creatures in mountainous forests-creatures that are much larger than bears, panthers or any other animals. Kevin, an army man, was driving through the mountains and saw a car crash. He noticed that the car wasn’t damaged at all and almost deliberately placed in the middle of the road. ‘Let me see if there are any casualties,’ he thought. He almost got off but his gut feeling told him not to stop. So, Kevin drove past the car. Suddenly, he saw people lying on the road. He stopped his car a little away from the car crash and then looked back in the mirror. To his horror, Kevin saw two people sit up from the front of the car and become huge in size. Terrified, as he looked ahead, twenty or so eyes from the surrounding area were reflected in his taillights. Kevin slammed on the accelerator and drove away.

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