The Cat and the Cradle (Netherlands)


Once in Friesland, a baby-girl was born in a family. The couple was glad but the grandmother was angry and wished to kill her. So, the parents gave the baby to a woman who took her to her home. The father secretly made her a cradle. The parents came often to see her. There was a cat in the house. She was very fond of the baby-girl. One day, a great flood came when the baby-girl was sound asleep. The cat leaped upon her cradle and they floated off together.

They swept into a place in front of a church and the cat began to meow. In the church, a small boy named Dirck heard the sound and rushed to pick the cradle and the cat up. He took them to her mother. The baby was welcomed in the family. She grew up to be a beautiful woman and was married to Dirck. When their son was born, he laid in her mother’s cradle. The cat looked after the baby-boy just as she had looked after her mother. When the cat died, her statue was chiselled in the church which stands there even today.

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