Alice fell through a hole in the ground, following a strange White Rabbit wearing a waistcoat, carrying a watch and talking! The world inside the rabbit-hole was even more strange as she searched for the White Rabbit. After becoming larger and smaller till Alice was thoroughly confused, she found a Duchess whose baby suddenly became a pig! Frightened, she ran away. There on the branch of a tree sat a cat with a wide smile! The cat had big eyes.
“Hello, Cheshire Cat!” said Alice, a little worried seeing the cat’s claws and teeth. The smile grew wider. “Could you tell me which way to go?” asked Alice.
“I could,” said the cat, “But where do you wish to go?”
“Oh, anywhere…,” said Alice.
“Then you can go anywhere you like!” announced the cat.
“But I should reach somewhere!” protested Alice.
“You will, if you keep walking!”

“Who lives over there?” asked Alice, thinking that might help.
“That way goes to the Hatter’s house,” pointed out the cat, “And that goes to the March Hare. Take whichever way you like. Both the Hatter and the March Hare are mad!”
“Then why should I meet mad people?” asked Alice.
“Because we all are mad!” said the cat, smiling more widely, “I am. And so are you.”
“How do you know I’m mad?” said Alice indignantly.
“Because only mad folks come here!” the cat told.
‘What rubbish!’ thought Alice. “And how do you know you are mad?” she asked aloud.
“Have you met dogs?” the cat enquired. Alice nodded.
“Dogs are not mad because they growl when they’re angry and wag their tails when they’re happy. Now I’m a cat and I do the opposite. I growl when I’m happy and wag my tail when I get angry! That proves I’m mad!” the cat elaborated.
“That’s purring,” said Alice, “not growling!”
“Will you play croquet with the queen today?” asked the cat.
“I would love to,” said Alice, “But I haven’t been invited.”
“See you there!” said the cat and it vanished.
Alice blinked in surprise. But a moment later, the cat was back and uttered, “Oh, what really happened to the Duchess’ baby?”
“It turned into a pig,” replied Alice.
“I knew it would!” said the cat, vanishing again.

‘Oh dear, things keep appearing and disappearing!’ thought Alice. “I’ll look for the March Hare. Oh!” she said, startled, for the cat was back!
“Did you say pig or fig?” asked the cat.
“Pig!” said Alice. “And stop making me giddy! Can’t you come and go slowly?”
So, the cat began to vanish slowly, starting with its tail till only the smile was left and then that vanished too!
‘That’s the first time I’ve seen a smile without a cat!’ thought Alice.