Two tiger cubs, Paws and Taws, were playing when they saw a frog. He was croaking. Paws got curious and followed the frog. Taws also followed Paws. They chased the frog through the jungle and saw an elephant on the way. Soon, the frog led them to a whole family of frogs. Taws was tired after the long chase. “I want to go home,” she said. But Paws had lost the way. “I wish Mother were here to show us the way,” sighed Paws. The two cubs kept running in circles and got tired. Finally, they stopped to rest. Suddenly, they noticed some tiger‑footprints. Paws said, “Those look just like ours but are bigger.” “Mother!” they both shouted together. And the cubs followed the big tiger‑footprints back through the jungle to where Mother was waiting. The cubs were very happy to see her.
The Chase