Caleb was an orphan who worked on people’s gardens to earn his living. One day, he was mowing a garden and stopped to rest under a window. There, he heard a lady narrating a story about Santa Claus. He loved the story so much that he stood listening to it till the end. Then, Caleb heard the lady say, “If you wish for something from your heart, Santa gives it to you.” Immediately, Caleb prayed, “Santa, I just want some warm food and a bed to sleep in.” Just then, an old couple came visiting that house. They heard Caleb praying outside the window and asked him who he was. Startled at this, Caleb nervously answered, “I am an orphan.” The old couple had no children of their own and decided to adopt him. That night, Caleb had a good dinner and slept on a warm bed. “Thank you, Santa! You do fulfil wishes!” he said before sleeping.
The Christmas Gifts