The Clever Mouse

Once upon a time in a jungle, a baby mouse and a mother mouse lived in a small hole in king lion’s cave. The hole was warm and had lots of food to eat. One day, the mother mouse was about to take the baby mouse out for a walk. Just outside the cave, they saw a huge ginger tom-cat, licking his lips, waiting to eat them up! Clinging to his mother’s tail, the baby mouse cried, “Mother, Mother! What should we do?” The mother mouse knew exactly how to deal with big, scary cats. So, she paused, staring up into the beady eyes of the hungry cat. She then opened her mouth and took in a deep breath. “Woof! Woof!!!” she shouted, and the cat ran away as fast as he could, wondering how a dog could look like a mouse! “That was amazing!” The baby mouse said to his mother, smiling happily. The mother mouse said, “My child, that is why it is always best to know a second language!”

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