Once, the king of Banaras fought and conquered another kingdom. He took all the wealth of that kingdom to his own kingdom. He filled the wealth in iron pots and buried the pots in the royal garden. Now, unknown to him, the prince of that kingdom escaped in disguise. Later, he became an ascetic and reached Banaras with his disciples. The king was charmed by the ascetic’s wisdom and made him a royal guest. The prince knew a spell through which he could find buried treasure. So, he uttered the spell and found the treasure buried in the garden. Quickly, he took out the treasure and fled away with it. When the king came to know about the theft, great sorrow befell him. Then his wise minister said to him, “Sir, why do you mourn for something which was never yours?” The king realised that what the minister said was true. He accepted his loss gracefully.
The Clever Prince