The Cliff

One day, the Buddha’s disciples asked him, “How can we be happy when there are so many problems in life?” The Buddha replied through a story. “A man was walking through a mountainous forest. Suddenly, a ferocious tiger leapt at him from behind a tree. The man ran as fast as he could, until he came to the edge of a steep cliff. The only way to save himself was to get on to a vine tree that hung over the edge of the cliff. It looked dangerous, but he had no other choice. While hanging from the vine, he saw a plump, wild strawberry growing near by. Without thinking much, he plucked it and popped it into his mouth. It was delicious. Even when he was moments away from death, he decided to enjoy the last moments of his life.”

Moral: Always live in the present; you never know what may happen tomorrow.

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