The Cobbler

A cobbler mends shoes.
We buy new shoes from a shoe shop.
After some time, the shoes get damaged.
Then they need some mending.
We go to a cobbler to get them mended.
He mends our shoes carefully.
He polishes them.
He makes them look like new.
The mended shoes can be used for some more time.
He saves us a lot of money.
He uses his tools to mend our shoes.
He is a poor man.
He does not take much money from his customers.
You can see a cobbler in almost every street corner.
Answer the following questions
1 Who mends our shoes?
(a) carpenter (b) florist (c) barber (d) cobbler
2 Why do our shoes need mending?
(a) because they old (b) because they get damaged (c) because they need polishing (d) none
3 The cobbler makes our shoes look like _ (a) old (b) worn-out (c) new (d) none
4 The cobbler does not take much __ from his customers.
(a) gift (b) help (c) money (d) coins
5 Who cuts our hair?

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