Several years ago, cockatoos were all white. All the other birds used to tease them that they had no colour. But if you look at a cockatoo today, you will notice that its crest is yellow. One day, a cockatoo was wandering in the jungle. It was searching for food. Suddenly, it saw something strange lying on the ground. “What is it?” wondered the cockatoo. When the cockatoo got closer, it said, “Wow, they are feathers!” Yes, they were three-coloured feathers. The cockatoo picked them up and put them on its tail. When it went walking, the other birds noticed that those feathers belonged to them and not to the cockatoo. They started to pluck out the cockatoo’s feathers. The cockatoo flew away quickly and hit the sun. The sun was so hot that it made the cockatoo’s crest yellow and it came shooting back down to the earth. From that day onwards, cockatoos started having yellow crests.
The Cockatoo’s Yellow Crest