The Company He Keeps

One day, after the usual session at the court, Akbar and Birbal were strolling in the royal garden. Birbal was talking and Akbar was listening. As they walked on, Birbal said some things that Akbar did not like. Akbar went on listening to Birbal. However, Birbal did not know that he had annoyed Akbar. As Birbal went on and on, Akbar found it difficult to keep quiet. He said, “Birbal, my patience is wearing thin.” Birbal asked, “What happened, Your Majesty?” Akbar replied, “You are annoying me with your words. Although we spend a lot of time together yet I cannot go on listening to you all the time.” Birbal smiled and said, “Your Majesty! Our companions affect our behaviour. I think it has to do with the company that I keep.” Akbar laughed aloud. After all, Birbal’s companion was Akbar himself! Once again, Birbal won Akbar’s heart with his quick wit.

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