Gussie always had something to complain about. When her mother asked her to help with household chores, she would complain that she had a headache. At other times, her legs ached. When she was asked to study, she would complain that her stomach ached. She complained so much that everyone forgot her name and called her ‘The Complainer’. One day, when Gussie complained, as usual, her father said, “Come; let’s go to the hospital today.” Gussie was happy because she wanted to be a doctor. At the hospital, The doctor took her to the children’s ward, where she saw many children, who were suffering from different illnesses. Yet, no one complained. All they wanted was to be well again, so they could study and play. Gussie learnt her lesson. She was thankful for all the good things she had. She was always cheerful and everyone started calling her by her name.
The Complainer