The Complaining Sheep


Once upon a time, there was a farm. There were many sheep in the farm. The farmer had kept a strong dog to watch them. When the flock used to graze in the pasture, the dog guarded them fiercely. The farmer was quite fond of the dog. He treated him with utmost care. Now, the sheep did not like this at all. One day, they went to the farmer and complained, “Master! You are not fair to us. You do not treat us all equally.” The farmer was puzzled. The sheep continued, “We give you milk and wool but get nothing in return. We feed on grass that we have to find ourselves. But this dog gives you nothing yet you feed him so affectionately.” The dog retorted, “If I am not there to guard you, none of you will be able to graze.” The sheep stopped complaining after this.
Moral: Always be satisfied.

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