Philemon was a courageous boy who lived in a village nestled in the mountains. His mother was always worried about him because he would run away deep into the mountainous woods. His mother often warned him not to venture alone into the woods. It was feared to be infested with wild animals. One day, Philemon went into the woods. He encountered a tiger cub in the woods. His teachers had told him that animals do not attack humans if they are not harmed. Philemon walked away. Then he encountered the tigress, the cub’s mother, but she did not harm him. Philemon had lost his way in the woods. The courageous Philemon was also wise. He knew his house was to the east of the woods. He also knew that the sun sets in the west. The sun was setting, so he began moving in the opposite direction. Finally, he reached his home.
The Courageous Philemon