There was a crane who lived near a pond full of fish. But as he was old, it was difficult for him to catch them. So he came up with a plan. Standing by the pond, he wailed, “Soon, this lake will dry up and no one will survive. I will have to live by the river instead.” A crab heard him and spread word to the fish in the pond. The fish panicked and the cunning crane offered to carry them to the river from the next morning. Every day, the crane would fly to the river carrying a fish in his beak. He would fly a distance and smash the fish against a rock and kill it. He feasted on one fish after another. One day, it was the crab’s turn. The crane carried the crab on his back and flew towards the rocks. When the crab saw the fish bones lying around, he understood the crane’s plan. He bit the crane on his neck and saved the lives of the other creatures in the pond.
The Cunning Crane and the Clever Crab