There was once a fox. He saw a doe grazing near by. He rushed to a mouse and a leopard and they hatched a plan to kill the doe. First, the mouse distracted the doe by nibbling at her hoof. Then the leopard pounced on the doe and killed her. The fox said, “It’s not good to eat without having a bath. I bathed in the morning. Now go and have a bath,” he said. The mouse and the leopard left for the river. When the leopard returned, the fox said, “The mouse feels that we caught the doe only because of his help.” The leopard was angry and he refused to eat the doe. He went away. When the mouse came there, the fox said, “I defeated the leopard in a fight and he ran away. Now it’s your turn.” The mouse scampered away. The sly fox ate the doe all by himself.
The Cunning Fox