One day, a fox was roaming in search of food. After a while, he saw a peacock perched high on a tree. “How can I have this peacock for lunch? I cannot climb up the tree,” he thought. The fox was cunning. He said to the peacock, “Don’t you know there was a meeting of animals this morning? Animals and birds will not kill one another for food anymore.” The peacock replied, “So King Lion, the tigers and the leopards shall eat grass from today.” The fox said, “Come, let us have a chat.” The peacock replied, “Sure. Some of your friends are also coming here.” “Who?” asked the fox. “Hounds,” said the peacock. The fox sprang up on his feet when the peacock said, “Remember, all the animals and the birds have become friends.” “Maybe the hounds haven’t heard about it,” said the fox and ran away deep into the forest.
The Cunning Fox and the Witty Peacock