The Daydreamer

Long ago, there was a milkmaid who had a habit of daydreaming. She always dreamt of becoming a rich woman. On her way to the market, she would rest under trees and in front of huts — and would daydream. This habit got worse and she started to daydream even while walking, with the milk pail on her head. One day, while walking, she began daydreaming. ‘I would sell the milk today and buy some hens with the money. Then I would sell eggs and milk. I would become rich. Then I would buy cows and goats. I would sell curd, butter, eggs and milk. I would become richer. I would wear pretty dresses and jewellery. Everyone would be mesmerised when I walked down the street. But I would turn my head and walk away.’ With these thoughts, she tossed her head so hard that the pail fell and the milk was spilt. Daydreaming without action causes ruin.

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