The Deer’s Desire

One day, the king’s gardener saw a young deer in the royal pleasure garden. When the gardener told the king about it, he became curious. He asked the gardener to catch it. The gardener brought some honey, which he then smeared on the grass. Soon enough, the deer started eating the grass and developed trishna (desire) for it. The gardener would also throw the deer some grass. First, the deer did not come close to him. However, gradually, the deer started trusting the gardener. One day, the gardener lured the deer into the palace. Seeing the crowd in the king’s court, the panic-stricken deer began to run amok. The king said, “Even a timid creature can be lured because of its trishna (desire). One should never be attached to anything.” Then, feeling karuna (compassion) he asked the deer to be released into the forest.

Moral: Do not live to eat, but eat to live.

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