The zoo is the place where birds and beasts are kept to show them to visitors. Zoos are in all the big cities of India. The zoo of Delhi is one of the largest in the country. It is famous as ‘Chidiya Ghar’. It is situated near Old Fort of Sher Shah Suri. Lot of people and children daily visit Delhi zoo and purchase tickets to see the zoo.
Near the zoo, there is a beautiful canal artificially built for persons who want to enjoy boating without any risk and desire to see variety of water birds such as cranes, ducks, swans, storks herons, variety of fish and kingfishers etc. in the tank are tortoises, variety of fish and a round well having crocodile. I went to see zoo last Sunday and enjoyed boating and same all as mentioned above.
As we entered in zoo, we saw different kinds of birds such as parrots of different colors, sparrows, pigeons, beautiful peacocks, eagles, hawks, nightingale, doves and wild peasants etc in small cages. We moved forward and saw ‘’Neelgai’’. There was a hippopotamus which looked like a horned buffalo.
In another section we saw, black headed sibia, grey hornbills, owls, kites, foxes and chokers etc. At one place, there was a pair of bears and a white Australian kakatoe. After this we went to see the wild and ferocious animals which were inside the enclosures. Here were African lions and tigers, leopards, hyenas and panthers etc.
In zoo we also saw spotted deer, big stags with beautiful horns, wolves, jackals, wild pigs, foxes, etc. In separate sections, there were varieties of monkeys and apes.
Thus, we enjoyed our visit to the zoo and felt happy. After seeing different types of birds and animals we came back home.