The Delicious Dishes

A young she-leopard, Tina, lived in the forest. Her brother also lived with her. Tina was an excellent cook and used to make new dishes every day. One day, Tina’s brother saw that a young leopard was being attacked by an elephant. This young leopard was new to that territory and was trying to save himself from the furious elephant. Tina’s brother saved his life, and invited him home to dinner. Tina made a delicious dinner. She took great care that everything was perfect. When the young leopard tasted the delicious food, he asked, “Who made such wonderful food?” Tina came and greeted the young leopard. The young leopard fell in love with Tina and wanted to marry her. Soon, they got married. Tina moved to the leopard’s territory and realised that he was the king of his region! So, Tina became the queen!

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