The Discovery of the Well

Long ago, in a small village of Somalia, there lived four families. The members of the first family argued all the time. The second family was greedy while the third was always away from the village exploring new places and things. They were never satisfied with what they had or where they lived. But the fourth family was calm and tolerant. They enjoyed living in their small community with whatever they had. One night, when the daughter of the third family went out, she discovered a well hidden among some trees and bushes. She rushed home to tell her family about the well. Now, the family started using the well to get their water. Soon, all the other families also got to know about the well and all of them started getting their water from the well. Now, the well was in danger of running dry.

The Chief

The wise chief of the village knew about the secret well. One day, he spoke to each family in turn. The chief said to them, “Tonight you must stay in your homes. Don’t use the well for one night. This way, there will be time for water to rise up again.” All the families agreed. But at night, the son of the first family quietly went out to the well. He carried two large buckets and filled them both with water to the top. He returned home and hid the buckets. Soon afterwards, the son of the second family also filled two large buckets. Then, the daughter of the third family also went out to the well. She thought, ‘I discovered the well so my family deserves extra water.’ The next day, the chief visited the well and was upset to see that it was completely dry.

The Punishment

The chief went to each home in turn. In the first home, he found the two buckets, one of which was empty, but the other one was still filled with water stolen from the well. In the second and third homes also, he discovered the buckets of stolen water. Now, when he visited the fourth family, he saw that the buckets were dry. The chief realised that the patient family did not steal water and slept all night. They had not gone to the well. The next day, the chief summoned all the four families at meeting place. The chief said in a rigid voice, “You three families stole water from the well even though I told you not to do so. As you have defied my orders, you will remain in your homes for thirty days and nights without food or water as punishment.”

The Reward

Now, the chief went towards the fourth family and said, “You listened to my orders and stayed at your home last night and did not steal water from the well. Take this letter and open it once you reach home.” They took the letter and went home. When they opened the letter, there was a map inside. The family followed the directions on the map. After travelling for several miles they discovered a well that was surrounded by an abundance of fruit trees and vegetable plants. There was so much food and water that the family could survive on that their entire life! The first three families who were punished to stay in their homes without food or water learnt a valuable lesson that day. The fourth family was rewarded for their patience and their readiness to follow the rules which are beneficial to all.

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