The Dissatisfied Ass

The Dissatisfied Ass

Once, an ass lived with his master who made him carry a heavy load of bricks. The ass was very dissatisfied with his life and always cried alone. The ass always desired to escape from his work. One day, he met a horse passing by. The horse walked elegantly in its finest trappings and he had no load on him.

The surprised ass remarked, “How lucky you are! You do not have to carry load like me. Instead you are dressed in the finest of trappings.” The horse didn’t reply but went his way. Next day, the ass was ordered to carry the bundles of food sacks to the battleground. As he was walking past the wounded soldiers, he came across the same horse he had met the day before. The horse was badly wounded. Now the ass understood what the horse’s job was. The ass thought, ‘I was wrong. It is better to have humble security than gilded danger.’

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