One day a woman went to the beach and began singing songs in the praise of lord Neptune. The lord was very much pleased with her. He appeared before her and asked what she wanted. The woman was happy to see the lord and asked him for a cow. The next moment there was a cow standing beside her. The woman was thrilled. She began singing another song. At the end of it there was another cow beside her. The woman went on singing and every time she stopped for breath there would be another cow on the beach. The beach was small, so it soon started getting crowded.
Finally, there was just enough room for her to stand. There was a large rock at her feet. She felt that would be the place for one more cow if she removed the rock. So, she heaved it into the sea. Unfortunately, Neptune himself was coming to the surface at that moment to bestow his blessings. The rock hit him on the head. The god was so angry that he dived back into the water taking with him all the cows he had given to the woman.