The Dog and his Unfaithful Companion

The Dog and his Unfaithful Companion

Once, a farmer had two pets, a dog and a donkey. The farmer used the donkey to bring the seeds and other goods from market, and used the dog to guard them. One day, the dog and the donkey walked along a mountain path to the market with their master. At noon, the master ate some food and then slept under a tree for a nap. The donkey fed on the grass that was growing there, but the poor dog had nothing to eat. He said to the donkey, “There are some buns in the load you are carrying. Let’s have some of them.” But the donkey told him to wait for the master to wake up. Just then a hungry wolf appeared.

The donkey was trembling with fear and pleaded to the dog to help him. The dog said, “I don’t have any energy to help you as I’ve not eaten anything. Wait till the master gets up. He’ll help you.” But before that, the wolf attacked the donkey and made a meal of him.

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