Once, there was a man who lived in a village. He was lazing on his cot with his pet dog beside him. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. It was the postman. He handed a letter to the man. When the man read the letter, he said to his dog, “We have to go on a long journey.” Since he would be gone from his house for a few weeks, he began packing all the items that he needed. He took his clothes and other necessary items. After a while, when he had finished packing, he was exhausted. He sat down with a huge sigh of relief, but then he saw his dog standing near him. He scolded his dog, “Go and get ready! Don’t you see I have finished packing?” The dog said, “Master, I have no luggage. I’ve been ready all this while, waiting for you.”
The Dog’s Luggage