The Donkey and the Jackal

Once upon a time, a washerman had a donkey. He would make him carry loads of clothes, but never gave him enough food. At night, the donkey would roam around, eating whatever he could find. One night, the donkey met a jackal, who took him to a field of watermelons. The donkey was happy to have a wholesome meal. After eating their fill, both friends tiptoed out of the field before the guard woke up. This happened every night. Soon, the donkey became healthy. One night, after having the meal, the donkey told the jackal, “Shall I sing a song for you?” The jackal replied, “Not here. The guard will wake up.” But the donkey started braying loudly. The jackal ran away. The guard woke up and beat the donkey black and blue. The donkey cried in pain and thought, ‘I wish I had listened to my dear friend’s advice!’

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