The Donkey’s Language


One day, Mulla Nasruddin was grazing his donkey. A man walked up to Mulla, intending to have some fun. “How long has this donkey been with you?” he asked Mulla as he waited for the donkey to finish eating. “Almost two decades. He has been my companion on many journeys,” Mulla informed. “You must be so familiar with him. I hope you understand his language by now,” the man asked. Mulla suspected that the man wanted to pull his leg. So, he said, “Yes. When he is happy, he flutters his ears. When he is unhappy, he shakes his head. And when he wags his tail, it means some pest is annoying him.” Just then, the donkey started braying. “What is he saying?” the man quickly asked. Mulla whispered in the man’s ear, “He is asking me who the ass that I am talking to is ?” The man walked away with a red face and Mulla laughed loudly.

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