The Doubting Carpenter


Once, there was a carpenter who lived in a village. He used to make small wooden items but people hardly used to buy them. Therefore, he did not have much money. Now, the carpenter had made a wooden image of Lord Mercury. He used to pray to him every day to make him rich. But his prayers were unanswered. One day, out of anger, the carpenter took the idol and threw it on the floor. The head of the idol broke from the corner. Suddenly, from the broken head of the idol came out several gold coins. The carpenter was totally stunned and surprised to see so much gold. Then, he said to God Mercury, “Your ways are very strange. When I cried, you did not listen. But, now when I stopped believing in you, you helped me by showering gold coins. I am sorry for not trusting you. From today, I will never doubt you.”
Moral: One must have faith.

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