One day, a crow was sitting on a tree in a grassland. A flock of sheep was grazing in that grassland. After a while, the crow saw an eagle flying high in the sky. He noticed that the eagle dived down from the sky and grabbed a lamb with his claws. The eagle took the lamb with him to his nest, located high over a treetop. The crow thought of imitating the eagle. So, he flew towards another lamb and tried to catch it with his claws. But the lamb was too heavy! The crow was shocked as his little claws got caught and trapped in the lamb’s thick fur. He tried hard to get off the lamb but could not. His claws were totally entangled in the lamb’s thick fur. A shepherd saw the crow. He caught the crow and put it in a cage. The crow became the laughing stock for every passer-by.
The Eagle and the Crow