The ear is a hearing apparatus of our body. Its importance is self defined amongst sense organs. There are many kinds of sounds in the atmosphere. We are able to hear only 5% of audible sounds. The ears do not allow to hear more than 95% quantity of sound. If the ears carry all the sounds, the person will go mad in no time. The ear functions as a sound filter, receiver and controller, it carries only appropriate sounds existed in the atmosphere bearable for mind.
Sound data prevailed in the atmosphere is received by ears. The ear is a hearing instrument and having receptibility of so much credible data. The person, who are deaf, can not speak also deafness turns into dumbness. Born deaf children are unable to speak. Their language related knowledge is near about nil.
Outer structure and form of ears are noticed in face reading and information about character and nature of the person is obtained on this basis. Parts and zones of external ear have been shown in the figure. It can be divided into three zones :

Zones of the Ear
1. Muscular Zone : It is outer portion of the ear, which is surrounded with helix and rim. Muscles of the person are strong, if this zone is developed and also he is laborious, zealful and physically strong.
2. Thoracic Zone : Thoracic zone is middle portion of the ear and this zone possesses a conch. Liver, heart and lungs are strong, if this zone is developed. The body gets sufficient blood full of oxygen, due to which brain is active and energetic. The persons are intellectually developed, ambitious, determined and curious when this zone is developed.
3. Vegetative Zone : The structure suspending in the lower portion of the ear is called lobe. It represents vegetative zone. Vegetative zone is related with fundamental vegetative needs – food, sex, physical development, reproduction, capacity to do hard labour etc. Therefore, on being this zone over developed, the persons are fatty, amorous, giving birth to many children, gluttonous, low grade living. But if the lobe is normally developed, the physical and biological perspective of the person is also balanced and normal.
Position of the Ear
Lined : In lined position, upper portion of the ear (helix) meets with the imaginary linear line coming from the eyebrow. When the position of the ear is lined, the person is balanced, truthful, ambitious, diligent, generous and patient. They are independent and wise. Nobody can easily mislead them.

High Set : If the position of the ear is not lined; on the contrary it is situated little up from the eyebrow line, the person possesses dependable nature. He is shy, hesitant, coyish, lack of self confidence and courage.

Low Set : If the position of the ear is below from the lined position, the person is volatile, suspicious, self-centred and impractical. He is cautious, gripped with unknown fear and immature by mind.

Out Set : If the ear is not close to head, on the contrary is far situated, the person is fickle-minded, suffered from nervous disorder, hesitant and lethargic. Out set ear is sometimes hanging downward, which is a sign of nervous and muscular weakness. Outwardly hanging upper portion of ear indicates debility, introvertness, derangement and over consciousness of the person.

Close Set : The ear close to the head indicates lewdness, carelessness, cunningness and cleverness of the person. The persons having close set ear are greedy, incredible and fickle minded. Such persons serve their purpose by cleverness. Their plans are concealed.

Size of the Ear
Small Size Ear : If the ears are smaller than normal, the person is talented and meritorious. He achieves higher posts by virtue of his labour, dedication and mind and earns money and fame. He is practical-minded, patient and credible.
Large Size Ear : Large size ears are the symbol of over consciousness. The persons possessing large size ears are gluttonous, superstitious, having misshapen body and materialistic concept. They have lack of self confidence and ambition.
Shape of the Ear
Rounded Ear : If the helix and rim of the ear is rounded like a circle, the person is emotional, generous, having delicate feeling and sensible. Such persons themselves are best music artist and connoisseur of arts. They are self willed and have their own world. The persons having rounded ears have respect for the feelings of others. They are away from materialism and lead their life in the lap of nature at peaceful atmosphere.

Pointed Ear : Helix and rim of such ears are pointed or bisect or cut in any point, it signifies the person is unable to perform melodious and musical sounds. Such persons have keen interest or understanding in music. They are able to understand the secrets of music but unable to perform it by self. They may be good teacher but not good peformer. On the contrary, if helix and rim of the ear is tending on a point where it featurised as a triangular structure it signifies the person does not have any interest and understanding about art and music, his mind is not delicated and sophisticated.

Square Ear : The persons having square ear are practical, fond of eating, jolly, thoughtful and laborious.

Long Narrow Ear : The ears of which width is very less, but length is more, is called long narrow ear. The persons having long narrow ears are innate, enthusiastic, philosopher, inventor and curious, but they have lack of practical mind. Therefore, other persons exploit them.

Drooping Ear : The animals while suffering from debility or any serious physical ailment, droop their ears, drooping ear is a symptomatic prove of illness. Likewise in human drooping ear is a signification of neurological debility and poor physical and mental strength. Persons having drooping ears are careless about situation, environment and unable to adjust themselves in the society. They are not systematic and well arranged at all.

Erected Ear : Erected ears is a signification of extra consciousness about situation. Animals those having this type of ears, by nature they are very alert and awareful, even at a little sound their ears spontaneously go erectile to understand the situation. Likewise persons are with the same feature they adopt the alertness, over consciousness but contrary very systematic, predetermined, they want to live peacefully.

Wide Ear : The persons, of whom the ears are wider than longer, are well-behaved, having leading capacity and diplomatic. Such persons get success, prosperity and fame. They are practical-minded, opportunist, patient, having good communication skill and character.

Hairy Ear : If dense hair is found in the helix and rim of the ear, the person is prosperous, fashionable, leading luxurious life and desirous of physical and materialistic comforts. If the hair is abundantly found in the middle of the ear, the person will be rough and tough.

Lobe of the Ear
Lower portion of the ear, which is hanging independently is called lobe. It is used for wearing ear-ring or helix. Lobe of the ear is related to vegetative organism of the body. There are four kinds of the ear in view of development and form of the lobe.
Lobeless : The ear, of which the structure of the lobe is undeveloped, is called lobeless ear. The persons possessing lobeless ear are irresponsible and careless, they have lack of capacity and ambition to achieve their goal. They are physically undeveloped and also face the problems related poor health.

Ideal Lobe : The persons having ideal lobe are biologically developed. Sufficient vital power, fond of eating and sexual desire are found in such persons. They are amorous, luxurious. Their body is healthy and attractive. Such persons want to enjoy materialistic comfort and always remain happy. They are lover, ambitious, zealous and hard working.

Long Lobe : If lobe of the ear looks abnormally thin, long, weak, hanging, it indicates hormonal imbalance, disproportionate development of the body, impotence, incomplete physical development, obesity etc. The body becomes weak, if the lobe of the ear is abnormally long.
Flabby Lobe : If lobe of the ear is flabbier and thicker, it may be a cause of increased appetite. Person will take more food, he will commit crime for pacifying his sex, his body will be fat, deformed, imbalanced, brutal instinct will dominantly be appeared in his work and nature.