A washerman had a donkey and a horse. One day, he was going to the market with his two beasts. It was a very hot day. The donkey was loaded with big bundles of clothes. It was a very heavy load. The horse carried nothing. The poor donkey was staggering. In a tired voice, it requested the horse, “Brother, the load is killing me. Please share some of the burden.”
The horse spoke, “Why should I share your burden? We horses are not made for carrying loads. We are regal mounts.”
The donkey fell silent. Its legs were wobbling under the heavy load. Then it lurched and collapsed on the road. Its tongue hung out and eyes bulged.

The pitiable condition of the donkey made the washerman realise his mistake. He gave the donkey water to drink and put the entire load on the back of the horse.
The load was heavy. It made even the horse huff and puff. The horse regretted,”Had I taken pity on the donkey and shared some of the load I wouldn’t have to be carrying entire burden to the market.”
Moral : Live together and share the burden of each other.