The Elder Brother

The King got the hair examined by experts. They found that the hair had been smeared with deadly poison.” Here Baital ended his story. He asked King Vikramaditya, “Vikram, tell me which of the two Brahmin brothers was the wiser. If you do not answer my question knowingly, I will break your head into pieces.” King Vikramaditya replied, “Baital! Though both the brothers were highly gifted yet the elder brother was wiser as he could detect the presence of the hair in the cushion.” Baital said, “You are too good. But as you have spoken and broken the silence, I am going to depart from you.” So, Baital flew away from Vikramaditya’s shoulder. Vikramaditya tried to stop him but failed to do so. King Vikramaditya got exasperated at Baital’s escape. He drew his sword and ran after him to teach him a lesson.

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