Dhritarashtra and Gandhari went into the palace and broke their fast, eating a meal with Kunti. Then they blessed Yudhishthira and the Pandavas and began the journey into the forest. Dhritarashtra held Gandhari’s shoulder. She had tied a scarf over her eyes since her marriage, so Kunti led her. Sanjaya went with them. As they left, Kunti turned to place the care of the kingdom, Draupadi and all the Pandavas on Yudhishthira. He had not realized till then that Kunti intended to go with Dhritarashtra and Gandhari into the forest. He pleaded with her to stay. But she told him she was now going to join her husband. The Pandavas watched silently, with Vidura and Kripacharya, as the three elders left Hastinapura for the forest. They lived there for three years till a fire engulfed the forest. They asked Sanjaya to leave and gave themselves up to the flames. Sanjaya went into the Himalayas.
The Elders