The Elephant and His Friends

One day, an elephant wandered into the forest in search of friends. He saw a monkey on a tree and asked, “Will you be my friend?” The monkey replied, “No, you are too big and cannot swing on trees.” Next, the elephant met a rabbit. But the rabbit also refused and said, “No, you cannot play in the burrow with me.” Slowly, all the animals in the jungle refused to be friends with the elephant. Next day, the elephant saw all the animals running for their lives. He asked them why they were running. A bear replied, “There is a tiger in the forest. He will eat all of us.” The elephant walked up to the tiger and said, “Please do not eat up these poor animals.” But the tiger growled and refused. The elephant got angry and gave the tiger a hard kick. The frightened tiger ran for his life. All the animals thanked the elephant and became his friends.

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