There was a huge banyan tree in the jungle, providing shelter to the animals. A sparrow couple lived there. Mrs Sparrow had laid eggs. One afternoon, an evil elephant broke the branch of the tree where the sparrows lived. Their nest fell down and the eggs were broken. The sparrows went to the woodpecker, who said his friends, the fly and the frog, would help them. The next day, when the elephant was crossing the same path, the fly hummed a tune in the elephant’s ear and the woodpecker poked his eyes. The elephant howled with pain. He felt the need to splash water on his face. Just then, he heard the frog croaking. He followed the sound and fell into a swamp. “Please help me! What wrong have I done?” The frog reminded him about the sparrow’s eggs. The elephant was sorry and promised never to do it again.
The Elephant Learns a Lesson