The Enchanted Castle

Rory and Luke lived near a lake in the forest. Their parents had warned them never to cross the lake. One day, the children decided to cross it. As they stepped on the wet tufts of grass on the other side, a strange sense of enchantment engulfed them. The children followed a path and soon a dilapidated castle came into view. Curious, the children entered the castle through a broken window and stood in its great dusty hall. The children saw a table laden with delicacies. Rory and Luke helped themselves to the food. Soon, the children fell asleep. A few hours later, the children felt someone tugging at their arms. “Wake up, lazy lumps,” screamed their mother. The children were stunned to find themselves back home lying on their beds. They did not know if it was a dream or reality, but they wanted to visit the enchanted castle again.

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