The Enchanted Horse

On the New Year eve, the King of Persia was made acquainted to a horse led by an Indian that could travel miles within minutes. The Prince, taking only half of the instructions of operating the horse from the Indian, set off his journey without knowing how to touch down the earth. The furious yet worried King put the Indian behind bars until three months. If the Prince returned, he would be released.

Meanwhile, the Prince lost his way and met the beautiful Princess of Bengal whom he decided to get married to. On his return, the Indian swore to take revenge from the Prince because of whom he was imprisoned for two months.

The fuming Indian abducted the Princess on his horse and unfortunately got killed by the King of Cashmere. This time the Princess was abducted by the King of Cashmere for her beauty.

The Princess feigned her mental imbalance for several months, until one day when the Prince of Persia reached the kingdom of Cashmere in search of her. Disguised as the physician, he dubiously convinced the King of Cashmere of her recuperation and freed her from his kingdom back to his palace.

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