The Enchanted Storm

Princess Miranda had grown up on the deserted island with her father, the King, who had been exiled from his kingdom. His throne had been usurped by a wicked general who had commanded his army.
The new King was aware that Miranda’s father was loved by the people, so he did not dare to kill him. Therefore, he left him on this deserted island with his infant daughter and his collection of books. Miranda grew up seeing no one except her father and the fairies and gnomes who lived on the island.
Miranda did not know that her father had read his strange books and taught himself magic. He could make things happen as he wanted and could talk to the fairies and gnomes and even to the birds and the animals. She thought all this was normal.
One day, there was a terrible storm at sea and on the island. A ship was wrecked on the shore of the island. Prince Ferdinand, the son of the new King, was on the ship along with his attendants. But he got separated from them in the storm. The attendants were led away by various fairies to the different parts of the island.

Prince Ferdinand wandered alone on the island. Miranda was wonder-struck when she saw him. She had never in her life seen such a handsome creature. And Ferdinand found her beauty and innocence remarkable. She took him to her father, not knowing that it was he who had caused the storm and brought Ferdinand there.
Miranda’s father told her that this was their new servant. He made him chop wood and fetch water and do all the heavy work. As days went by, the two young people grew to love each other. Miranda felt very sorry for the Prince Ferdinand and begged her father to be merciful to him. Ferdinand loved her for her gentleness and compassion. Finally, Miranda’s father revealed the truth to Ferdinand and Miranda.

Miranda’s father lifted the enchantment. His gnomes and fairies repaired the ship and it was ready to sail. The attendants who had been scattered around the island and placed under charms, were released from their spells.
They returned to the kingdom where the new King was punished. Miranda married Prince Ferdinand and they lived happily thereafter.

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