The Envious Jackdaw

The Envious Jackdaw

Once, there was a jackdaw who used to go to a nearby jungle school. In the school many doves also read there. They looked very beautiful with white colour, so the jackdaw became envious of them. One day, as he was flying over the fields, he saw a big colony of doves feeding over grains. These doves had a lot of foodgrains. The jackdaw wondered, ‘Why are these doves so lucky? They have so much to eat. I will live with them.’

So he painted himself white so that the doves might not recognize him. In the beginning, the jackdaw ate silently. But after some days, he started talking to other doves. As soon as the doves came to know about the real nature of the jackdaw, they drove him away. The jackdaw was very upset. The other jackdaws didn’t recognize him any more since he was now white. Alas! He didn’t have any friend now.

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