The Fairy Healer


One morning, Fairy Fiona was reading the newspaper. She was not able to see the words clearly. ‘My eyesight is weak,’ she thought. She then left for the fairy healer’s house under the oak tree. The fairy healer asked Fiona to be seated on a mushroom. examined her eyes with a glowworm. Then the healer said, “Fiona, do you sit too near TV?” “Er… yes,” said Fairy Fiona. The healer gave her a board with the pictures of various creatures and asked her to identify them. “Pixie, elf, gnome,” read Fiona. “Go on; tell me what in the second row is,” the healer coaxed. “Brownie, dwarf.…” Fiona stopped midway. She couldn’t read further. “Watching too much TV is bad for eyes. I shall give you a pair of spectacles to help you see clearly,” said the healer. Fiona wore the spectacles and was able to see everything around her.

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