Gary and Rey loved to hike together. Once, they were walking over the moors, miles away from any village or town, when Rey tripped and fell awkwardly. Pain shot through his leg, and he fainted. Gary immediately saw that Rey’s leg was twisted in a very strange way. He was sure the bone had broken. Gary could not leave Rey here, and he could not move him like this! Finally, he decided to make a splint and hope for the best. He quickly found two sticks of the same length. Carefully straightening the injured leg, he bound the sticks to it using some twine and rope he was carrying. Luckily, by then Rey regained consciousness. Leaning heavily on Gary’s shoulders, Rey managed to walk. Thunder rolled overhead, and rain poured down on them, making their walk even more difficult. After about twenty minutes, exhausted and drenched, they reached a farmhouse. Finally, they were able to call a doctor!