The Farmer and His Old Horse

Once, there was a farmer. His horse had grown old, so he asked him to leave. The horse said, “Master, let me stay.” The farmer said, “I will, but only if you bring me a lion’s skin.” The horse went deep into the jungle. There, he met a fox, who offered to help him. The fox said, “Lie down near the lion’s den and play dead.” Then the fox told the lion, “There’s a dead horse outside your den. Have a look.” The lion went to see the horse. The fox said, “I’ll tie your tail to the horse’s tail. Then you can drag it into the den.” But the fox tied the horse’s tail with the lion’s leg. The horse sprinted away. On the way, the lion was slammed against rocks and he died. The horse reached the farmer’s house with the lion. The farmer welcomed the horse home.

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