The Farmer’s Son

Once, a farmer had a kind-hearted son named Ronald. Ronald travelled from village to village, playing his flute. On his way, Ronald helped ants and ducks. One day, Ronald came to a kingdom where everyone was sad. Ronald learnt that an evil witch had locked the princess in a room in the palace. She had left two clues. The first clue was: ‘Collect a thousand pearls belonging to the king’s daughter before sunset.’ Ronald played his flute and an army of ants quickly found all the pearls and Ronald took them to the king. The second clue was: ‘The key of the princess’ bed-chamber must be fished up out of the lake.’ Ronald stood by the lake and played his flute. The ducks dived down and came up with the key. Ronald opened the room and broke the spell. The princess thanked Ronald and the king happily married the princess to Ronald with great pomp and show.

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