One day, a group of monkeys decided to go on a fast. The oldest monkey asked the youngest one to bring some bananas to be eaten later in the evening. Suddenly, the wife of the chief monkey asked, “Why don’t we peel one banana and keep it ready to eat?” “Yes, let us do that!” shouted a fat monkey in agreement. “All right,” said the chief monkey. So, the monkeys peeled their bananas and carefully kept them ready for eating in the evening. “Can I keep a banana in my mouth? I promise not to eat it till the evening. Please!” a little monkey asked his father. “Why don’t all of us put bananas in our mouths, too? That way, we can chew them immediately when we break our fast,” suggested his father. So, the monkeys put the bananas in their mouths. One by one, they eyed one another uncomfortably, as they began their fast. Within no time at all, the bananas disappeared down their throats. And that was the end of their fast!
The Fasting Monkeys