Jakob counted his sheep once again. Five were missing. He was sure there were thirty-five when he had led them out of the shed, but now there were only thirty! Where had the five mysteriously disappeared?
This had happened a few days earlier as well. But then, it was the hens that had gone missing. As far as Jakob knew, there were no lions or tigers close to their yard. And not even coyotes or wolves or any other big animal that would eat the sheep or the hens. Jakob was also confident of the fact that his sheep, hens, cows and horses knew the way back home. If not, then Bruno, their dog, herded them back home in the evening. Bruno made sure that not even one stayed out in the night alone. Then how were they disappearing?
Jakob was very perplexed!

So, the next day, he decided to watch his animals while they were grazing and playing during the day. To his horror, at noon, a huge tractor-sized, fire-breathing monster with a tail in the shape of an arrow came and swooped away three more of his sheep!
Jakob was devastated and scared at the same time. He knew he had to save his animals but was helpless. That night, he stayed up and kept thinking. He thought and thought. It was only at dawn that the idea finally came to his mind.
The next morning, Jakob went to the same place dressed like a sheep. He made a lot of noise like the sheep and ran away from his herd. He had been clever and had sprayed his clothes with a sheep’s pee (urine) and poo (excrement)! He knew that only if he smelled like the sheep, would the monster be convinced to come after him.
The fire-breathing monster was there, waiting for him. But Jakob was fast. He ran as fast as his legs would take him and ran towards the mountain’s edge. The monster was right behind him, breathing hard and grunting with intense hunger.

Just at the edge of the mountain, Jakob jumped off! The monster jumped right behind him. But clever Jakob knew a place where he could land safely. He did not jump into the valley below, but landed on a rock ledge from where he could climb back.
Unfortunately, the monster did not know that! He jumped to his death in no time.