The fire-dragon spit fire everywhere he went. He burnt everything. Everyone except Donna was scared of him. “Don’t go searching for him, you fool!” scolded her mother often. However, Donna was curious to know something, “Why can’t he play with anyone?” Searching for the fire‑dragon, Donna reached the top of the mountain. She saw him sitting alone with his head down. She ran towards him! However, he jumped away from her. “Please don’t be afraid of me! I am your friend,” she said gently. “No! Go away!” said the dragon gruffly. A cloud of fire burst out of his mouth. Donna understood. Every time the dragon opened his mouth to speak, to eat or even to breathe, fire blew out of his mouth! He was not burning up everyone! He was like that only and he was lonely! From then on, Donna became his friend and taught the fire-dragon to control his fire.
The Fire-Dragon