Once, a fisherman had been waiting for a fish all day. Just when he was about to go back home, he caught a little fish. The little fish begged, “Please let me go. I beg of you.” The fisherman replied, “Oh no! I have been here sitting all day. I am tired and hungry. Why should I put you back and waste my hard day’s work?” The fish replied, “You see, now I am too small to be of any use to you. If you put me back into the river, I shall soon grow into a big fish. Then you can have me as a fine meal.” The fisherman smiled and said, “No! I have caught you now after a long day. I may not catch you the next time!” Saying so, the fisherman put the little fish in his basket and went home. The poor little fish sighed at her misfortune.
The Fisherman’s Catch