The Fisherman’s Catch

Once, a fisherman had been waiting for a fish all day. Just when he was about to go back home, he caught a little fish. The little fish begged, “Please let me go. I beg of you.” The fisherman replied, “Oh no! I have been here sitting all day. I am tired and hungry. Why should I put you back and waste my hard day’s work?” The fish replied, “You see, now I am too small to be of any use to you. If you put me back into the river, I shall soon grow into a big fish. Then you can have me as a fine meal.” The fisherman smiled and said, “No! I have caught you now after a long day. I may not catch you the next time!” Saying so, the fisherman put the little fish in his basket and went home. The poor little fish sighed at her misfortune.

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